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We will be enhancing information disclosure based upon TCFD recommendations, SASB standards, and CDP questionnaires to improve communication with our stakeholders, increase corporate value, and contribute to development of a sustainable society.

Please refer to the following link for the Hepco Group Report 2021.

Information dicsclosure based upon TCFD recommendations

In August 2019, Hepco signed on as a supporter of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures(TCFD*).
Hepco disclosed information based upon TCFD in the Hepco Group Report 2021 (pp.43-45).


*TCFD is a working group created by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) whose members include central banks, financial regulatory authorities, and other entities of major nations. In June 2017, TCFD presented its recommendations for financial disclosure along with a framework for voluntarily disclosing information that will enable financial institutions and other such entities to appropriately assess the risks of climate change and other factors on companies.

Information dicsclosure based upon SASB standards

The status of Hepco Group activities are stated as relates to the Sustainability Accounting Starndards Board(SASB*)
industry-specific standards(ELECTRIC UTILITIES & POWER GENERATORS).
Hepco disclosed information based upon SASB in the Hepco Group Report 2021(pp.77-80).


*SASB is an U.S.-based non-profit organisation attempting to establish industry-specific standards that help public corporations disclose material and decision-useful information to investors.

Responding to CDP questionnaire

We responded to CDP* questionnaire regarding climate change and we obtained "B" rating in Climate Change 2021.
"B" rating is regarded as a Management level against climate change issues and that means we understand the main risks and impacts of climate change and are taking action to adopt to and reduce these effects.


*CDP is a not-for-profit organization that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, and regions to manage environmental impacts.

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