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Environmental Indices (performance & targets)

We have selected key areas to be prioritized and set key environmental management indices measuring the extent to which we achieve these priorities. Quantitative targets have been set to the extent feasible. We periodically check our progress in achieving these targets.
In the future as well, the entire HEPCO Group will work together to expand such initiatives so that we may reach these targets.

Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures

CO2 Emission Reductions <HEPCO only>

  Achievements FY2021
Score FY2022
FY2020 FY2021
CO2 emission factor *1
Adjusted *2 0.601 0.549 Reduce as much as possible Sufficiently achieved Reduce as much as possible
Unadjusted 0.593 0.601

Curbing Emissions of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases

  Achievements FY2021
Score FY2022
FY2020 FY2021
SF6 recovery rate [%]
[Calendar year]
During equipment inspection 99 99 Raise to 97 or even higher Sufficiently achieved Raise to 97 or even higher
During equipment removal 99 99 99 or higher Achived 99 or higher

Promoting Office Energy Savings

  Achievements FY2021
Score FY2022
FY2020 FY2021
Office electricity usage [1 million kWh units]*3 55.2 57.4 Reduce as much as possible (year-on-year) More effort needed Reduce as much as possible

Promoting Office Energy Savings <HEPCO only>

  Achievements FY2021
Score FY2022
FY2020 FY2021
Introduction of low-emission vehicles [%] 83.7 82.1 Increase as much as possible A little more effort required Increase as much as possible

Promoting Global Environmental Conservation

Preventing Air Pollution

  Achievements FY2021
Score FY2022
FY2020 FY2021
SOX emission intensity (avg. of all power sources) [g/kWh] 0.66 0.58 Reduce as much as possible Sufficiently achieved Reduce as much as possible
NOX emission intensity (avg. of all power sources) [g/kWh] 0.52 0.42 Reduce as much as possible Sufficiently achieved Reduce as much as possible

Promoting Proper PCB Treatment

  Achievements FY2021
Score FY2022
FY2020 FY2021
Treated trace-level PCBs in pole transformers (Number of transfomers) 7,486 6,034 Promoting systematic processing according to schedule Sufficiently achieved Completing systematic processing by the end of FY2027
Treated trace-level PCBs in insulating oil(Number of drum cans) 153 47 Promoting systematic processing according to schedule Sufficiently achieved

Promoting Formation of a Recycling-Oriented Society

Raising the Rate of Recycled Industrial Waste

  Achievements FY2021
Score FY2022
FY2020 FY2021
Industrial waste recycling rate *4 [%] 97.2 93.9 Approx.
A little more effort required Approx.
Coal ash recycling rate [%] 97.6 93.5 Approx.
A little more effort required Approx.

Promoting Office Activities for Conserving Resources

  Achievements FY2021
Score FY2022
FY2020 FY2021
Office water usage [10,000 m3] 21.8 20.7 Reduce as much as possible (year-on-year) Sufficiently achieved Reduce as much as possible
Green procurement rate (office supplies, etc.) *5 [%] 93.8 95.2 93 Sufficiently achieved 93
Copy paper purchased[1 million sheets]
(A4-size equivalent)
Figures in parentheses indicates sheets of copy paper purchased per employee
10% reduction in amount of copy paper purchased per employee (year-on-year) Sufficiently achieved 10% reduction in amount of copy paper purchased per employee (compared with FY2020)

[Evaluation index]

Evaluation index

  1. *1Calculated based on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting, Reporting, and Disclosure System pursuant to the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
  2. *2Values reflect adjustments and other corrections associated with CO2 credits, non- fossil fuel value certification purchases, and Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) for renewable energy sources.
  3. *3Figure does not include power station and substation power consumption, transmission/ distribution loss, or other electric power used when supplying electricity.
  4. *4Figure covers industrial waste generated by HEPCO and electric power supply- related businesses of HEPCO Group companies.
  5. *5Items counted: The procurement rate is indicated for environmentally-friendly copy paper, printed materials (excluding flyers, posters and pamphlets), OA equipment and clothing products which vendors publish in their catalogs or other such publications. Copy paper is only counted for HEPCO Group companies.

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