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Ensuring a More Competitive, Stable Power Supply and Contribution to Environmental Conservation

The Paris Agreement took effect in November 2016, and there has been greater interest in taking action to abate global warming. HEPCO joined the Electric Power Council for a Low Carbon Society, and has been implementing initiatives to abate global warming that are best suited to the characteristics of Hokkaido, while at the same time recognizing that it is fundamental to pursue an optimum energy mix from the "S+3E" perspective, which aims to concurrently achieve energy security, economic efficiency, and environmental compatibility on the premise that safety is assured.
HEPCO strives to further utilize the abundant renewable energies of our region, and has been working on projects to demonstrate the feasibility of large energy storage systems in order to control fluctuations in output, an important issue that needs to be addressed in order to increase the adoption of renewable energies. Combining renewable energies with the use of energy generated by nuclear power on the principle that safety is assured will contribute to making the low-carbon and the carbon neutral society a reality.

Specific Initiatives

Power generation
Nuclear power
  • Initiatives for the early resumption and safe operation of Tomari Nuclear Power Station on the principle that safety is assured
Thermal power
  • Stable operation of Ishikariwan Shinko Thermal Power Station unit 1 and installation of unit 2 and 3(LNG-fired power facility:56.94MW:3 units)
Hydroelectric power (renewable)
  • Installation of the Kyogoku Power Station (pure pumped-storage hydroelectric power facility: 200 MW: 3 units)

    • In addition to the role it fulfills in peak supply capacity, the Kyogoku Power Station expands the renewable energy network with its superior adjustable speed system for frequency control and load following to respond to fluctuating demand.
  • Take advantage of untapped energy in hydroelectric power generation facilities

    • Promote redevelopment of small and medium-sized hydropower in conjunction with replacement of superannuated hydro generators, and promote efforts to improve output at existing power stations with the installation of high-efficiency runners.
  • Demonstration of small-scale woody biomass power generation using hydrogen

  • Operation of the Mori Geothermal Power Station and Date Solar Photovoltaic Power Station

Energy savings and CO2 reduction activities
  • Recommendations for equipment and systems based on energy conservation

    • HEPCO is engaged in energy-saving services from the customer's perspective, including recommendations to switch to smart electrical appliances and the provision of information on energy savings.
[HEPCO Network]
Power transmission and distribution
System interconnections HVDC
  • Expansion of the Hokkaido-Honshu (Kitahon) HVDC* Link

    • Contributes to the broader introduction of renewable energies and activating power transactions in Hokkaido, in addition to ensuring stable power supply in the Hokkaido area.
  • Demonstration of large-scale storage battery system

    • HEPCO aims to demonstrate performance and develop and establish optimal control technologies as a new way to adjust power with respect to output fluctuations for wind and photovoltaic power generation.
  • Broader adoption of renewable energies

    • Introduction of a forecasting system for renewable generation.
    • Demonstration project that makes use of the Kitahon HVDC link with the aim of increasing the adoption of wind power generation.
    • Utilization of network-side storage batteries.
  • Research and development on output control of livestock-based biomass power generation

CO2 emission reduction targets for all electric power operators set by the Electric Power Council for a Low Carbon Society

  • Achieving CO2 emission intensity for electricity consumed of 0.37kg-CO2/kWh.
  • In the construction of new thermal power stations and other facilities, the best available technology (BAT) will be utilized and other measures employed. Based on these measures, the greatest potential reduction in CO2 emissions is projected to be approximately 11 million tons.

*BAT: Best Available Technology

Change in HEPCO's CO2 Emission factor*1

  • After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Tomari Nuclear Power Station was gradually taken offline, which resulted in a significant increase in the amount of thermal power generated.
  • The HEPCO groups have set the environmental target for 2030 as below. We will achieve the target through the restart of Tomari nuclear power station and the use of LNG thermal generation.
    • CO2 emissions: Reduction by 50% + (or 10Mt + /year) from FY2014 levels.

Change in HEPCO's CO2 Emission Intensity

  1. *1Value adjusted for CO2 credits and other measures
  2. *2Target sought to be achieved by the entire electric power industry.

Using nuclear and LNG-fired power to reduce CO2 emissions

Since the Great East Japan Earthquake, the long-term shutdown of the Tomari Nuclear Power Station has led to a significant increase in the amount of thermal power generated, for which coal and oil are used as fuel. This has dramatically increased HEPCO's CO2 emissions. We anticipate that restarting Tomari Nuclear Power Station upon the premise that safety is assured as well as stable operation of Ishikariwan Shinko Power Station which uses LNG as fuel will reduce our CO2 emissions in the future.

[Life-cycle CO2* emissions by power source]

Life-cycle CO2 emissions by power source

Source: Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry:

  • *"Comprehensive Assessment of Life Cycle CO2 Emissions from Power Generation Technologies in Japan" (2016).
  • *Includes not only CO2 emissions from power stations in the operational stage, but also emissions over a series of activities, including fuel mining, transport,processing, waste treatment and so on.

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