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Chemical Substance Controls

PRTR Act Compliance (FY2021 Achievements)

Pursuant to the "Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management Thereof (PRTR Act)," HEPCO ascertains the release amount and transferred amount of designated chemical substances. The government is notified when we handle more than the designated quantity.

Substance Notifying plant Environmental emissions Quantity transferred Use or source
Number of plants Type Atmosphere Water areas
Dioxin 1 Other 0.01 mg-TEQ 0 0 Waste incinerator
Toluene 1 Thermal 3,300 kg 0 0 Fuel for generating power
Hydrazine 2 Thermal 0.1 kg 1,400 kg 0 Boiler feedwater treatment agent
Methylnaphthalene 4 Thermal 975 kg 0 0 Fuel for generating power
1 Nuclear

*With the exception of dioxins, totals have been tabulated for substances with an annual volume of 1 ton or more (0.5 t or more for specified Class 1 Designated Chemical Substances) (two significant digits).

PCB Measures

Control & Storage

In accordance with the "Act on Special Measures concerning Promotion of Proper Treatment of Polychlorinated Biphenyl Waste (PCB Special Measures Act)," PCBs are stored and controlled under the care of administrators at offices in Hokkaido.


High-concentration PCBs are neutralized at the Japan Environmental Storage and Safety Corporation's Muroran Plant. As for low-concentration PCBs in insulating oil and transformers, these are properly processed at HEPCO's Tomakomai Recycling Center or other PCB processing facilities certified by the Environment Minister.

Status of Storage of PCBs and Other Wastes (as of March 2021)

Waste/material High-concentration PCBs Trace-level PCBs
Insulating oil (kl)*1 0 8
Transformers (units) 0 63
Condensers (units) 0 16
Rags and other contaminated objects (kg) 0 21,642
Small-and medium-sized machinery , etc. (units)*2 4 159
Fluorescent lamp ballast (units) 327 -
  1. *1Amount stored in drum cans
  2. *2Bushing, instrument transformers, circuit breakers, relays, etc.

Addressing Asbestos Issues

The safety of facilities, where it has been found that spray-on asbestos was used, is periodically verified. We are implementing measures to address such issues, including early removals. In addition, we are replacing molding, which contains non-friable asbestos, with non-asbestos products as part of repairs and other maintenance work.

Principle Uses of Asbestos in Buildings and Facilities (as of March 2021)

Application Location used Usage
Spray containing asbestos Used for acoustic absorption, thermal insulation and fireproofing material in buildings 2 buildings
Building materials Used in fire retardant boards, flooring material and other materials in buildings It is possible that asbestos is contained in construction materials used prior to August 2006. After that date, products containing asbestos have not been used.
Soundproofing material Soundproofing material for transformers (transforming equipment) 9 units
Asbestos cement pipes Pipeline material for underground wires (power transmission facilities) Route length: Approx. 2.7 km
Heat insulation material Power generation facilities (thermal power facilities) Volume of asbestos products remaining: Approx. 2,600 m3 (Approx. 7% of the total)
Shock absorbing material Suspension insulators at transmission facilities, etc. Number of asbestos products remaining: Approx. 632,800 (Approx. 24% of the total)
Thickening agent Electric lines for use in overhead transmission lines Route length of wire with corrosion prevention compound: Approx. 190.0 km (Approx. 2.4% of entire length of overhead transmission line route)
Sealant and joint sheets Power generation facilities (thermal & nuclear power facilities) Number of asbestos products remaining:
(Thermal) Approx. 25,700 (Approx. 28% of the total)
(Nuclear) Approx. 34,500 (Approx. 64% of the total)

Certified Work-Related Accidents Involving Asbestos (as of March 31, 2021)

  Number of people Location Notes
Deaths (3)
3 people
Thermal power station Lung cancer: 2; Mesothelioma: 1
Undergoing treatment (2)
2 people
Thermal power station Lung cancer: 2

Number of former employees is given again in parentheses.

[Group Companies (13 companies)]
  Number of people Location Notes
Deaths (1)
1 person*
Thermal power station Mesothelioma: 1
Undergoing treatment (0)
0 people

Number of former employees is given again in parentheses.

*Group companies are those applying certified work-related accidents.

(Reference) Work-related accident claims filed

  Number of people
Deaths (0)
0 people
Undergoing treatment (0)
0 people

Number of former employees is given again in parentheses.

[Group Companies (13 companies)]
  Number of people
Deaths (0)
0 people
Undergoing treatment (0)
0 people

Number of former employees is given again in parentheses.

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